The Way of Nature

Seasonal Yoga, Pranayama
& the Five Elements

With Senior Yoga Teacher Yolande Hyde

Weaving life with yoga, philosophy, mythology, nature and the cycles of the cosmos. Welcome fellow traveller

Seasonal Yoga is a profound practice that reconnects us to stability, peace, and trust by aligning us with the cycles of nature. Its ancient Taoist roots revive, uplift, and transform us in the places where we have become separated from truth and empty of purpose. Fostering and reinforcing a profound connection to the wild world around us, inviting acceptance, peace, and a higher perspective in challenging and changing times.

I invite you to dive in and explore life in alignment through yoga asana, pranayama, and deeply layered teachings, all that is The Way of Nature.

Seasonal Yoga | Pranayama | Spiritual Learnings

Discover The Way with us on Patreon

Yoga & Taoist philosophy in the season of Late Summer and the Element of EARTH

The Metal Element
  • The Autumn season catches tis fall from Summer to Winter, FIRE to WATER. In this powerful transformative phase, we align with the scythe and the spirit of harvest, decrease, discernment and letting go.

    We seek purity through sifting, sorting and creating space in all aspects of our being.

    Led by the Lung and Large Intestine channels and their faculties, METAL seeks a return to balance between what we take in and what we let go.

    Metal is the impulse to discern value and find meaning in lifes processes with particular importance placed on our ability to let go and the grieving process that inevitably follows.

    Balanced Metal reveals a
    commitment to quality, sensitivity to the surroundings, clarity and discernment, inner strength and Self-discipline, vigilance and precision, higher, more philosophical perspective, and the
    urge to align with life purposefully and meaningfully.

With gratitude for the Earth under my feet and with thanks to all Elders, past and present.
To yours, to mine, to the custodians of the Yuin, & Jeringer Country (South Coast NSW) and the great waters of Booderee (Jervis Bay) that support and inspire my work.
To the land, the sea, the green world, and all its creatures, seen and unseen, may we each be known.

Online Seasonal Yoga
and Breathwork Packages

Storytelling with Nature
and the Five Elements

  • Last week, I did the Winter Intensive live with Yolande and it had a profound effect on me during, and after the 5 day Intensive practice. I felt it gave me a renewed energy and a sense of grounding. The breath work through guided pranayama daily practice made me appreciate the importance of maintaining the strength in my lung chambers. I highly recommend any class with Yolande, particularly if you are in need of resetting your mind and body connection.

    - CR Mona Vale

  • I absolutely love Yolandes intensives. There is a little bit of everything; pranayama, meditation and movement. She is such a knowledgeable and experienced practitioner. The language she uses through the practice connects you to your mind, body and external environment on a whole new level. Can’t wait for Spring.

    - LV Mona Vale

  • It always wonderful to share space with Yolande. Having the full body to open up to Spirit guidance with a humility we rarely see . Her gifts and understanding are deep & multilayered and we are blessed to have one of such guidance & talent.

    β€” SF Bayview

  • I love the way my life flows when I spend just 2 mornings a week with a class focused on rediscovering breath - the mind remembers it's a back up singer and I feel grounded by the experience. Yolande brings an ancient gift to the craziness of 2022 life. Thank you

    β€” TO Avalon

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